A little bit about me...
I came to creating art rather late in life, after wanting to pursue it for far too long. Initially it began as a way to express some powerful emotions in a healthy and sustainable way.... at that time I had been working on a project on sustainable living and believe it's important to recognize the sustainability of all of our actions. Finally, I took my first art class and the following year a friend took me to see the documentary, Gerhard Richter Painting and my life changed in the course of watching that film. Just four years earlier I had returned to the US after living in Germany, and I was captivated from the moment the film began.
I appreciate beauty in all of its many expressions and I have been an activist for many decades, so unsurprisingly both passions inform my work. How to merge beauty and the fight against injustice is often how I approach a new work, but sometimes one will win out. To find balance is not always an easy task. I am inspired to explore if art can truly change the world, one person at a time.
My time is spent in Los Angeles and Santa Fe, NM (as often as I can) and I spend two months in retreat every year. It's been a long and winding road and I can now say, worth every moment, since I finally made it to making art.